Legend of Zelda: Link's Decision
Class Items
This is a detailed list of the items each class gets.
Hammer (start) - Powerful but slow melee attack, and it breaks Darknut shields.
Hookshot - It can freeze enemies, and cross gaps between grapple points.
Slash - Your sword attack is now a swing instead of a stab.
Crossbow (Bow 2) - Arrows travel faster
Magic Sword L2 - This is the most powerful sword in the game.
Gold Ring - This is the most powerful armor in the game.
Magic Wand (start) - Ranged weapon that fires magic. Can also hit enemies with it.
Magic Containers x8 - You need to have magic to cast spells and use the want.
Farore's Wind - Unknown magic, warps you to the entrance.
Magic Book - The magic wand magic ends with a candle flame. Don't touch it.
Mirror Shield - Reflects fireballs and magic, and can't get eaten by like-likes.
Potion Letter (Blue) - Buy potions from the potion shop.
Din's Fire - Offensive magic, fire burns in a circle pattern around you doing massive damage.
Nayru's Love - Defensive magic, temporary invincibility.
Magic Upgrade - Use half as much magic as normal.
Magic Key - Can open any locked door, so keys are worthless. Can't open the boss door.