Legend of Zelda: Link's Decision

This is just a list of dungeons and what items are inside. This does not include the heart container for defeating the boss (every dungeon except Level 9).
Level 1: Wood Boomerang
Level 2: Wood Arrow, Magic Boomerang
Level 3: Medium Wallet, Ladder (requires raft to obtain)
Level 4: Bow, Power Bracelet
Level 5: Whistle, Red Candle, Bombs+
Level 6: Raft, Superbomb (you only get one in the whole game)
Level 7: Magic Boots, Heart Container Piece
Level 8: Cross/Amulet, Large Wallet, Red Ring
Level 9: Gold Arrow
Optional 1: Letter to Town (bait), Fire Boomerang
Optional 2: Magic Sword, Bombs+
Optional 3: Flippers, Bombs+
Class Knight 1: Hookshot
Class Knight 2: Slash, Crossbow
Class Knight 3: Magic Sword L2 (sword 4), Gold Ring
Class Wizard 1: Farore's Wind (escape magic), Magic Book, 3x Magic Containers
Class Wizard 2: Din's Fire (attack magic), Mirror Shield, Potion Letter, 2x Magic Containers
Class Wizard 3: Nayru's Love (defense magic), Magic Upgrade (1/2), Magic Key, 2x Magic Containers

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