This has been fixed in v0.90
This quest was made using zelda classic v2.10. At some point afterwards, an obscure change was inadvertently made in zelda classic itself. This actually broke a room in Level 9. It's a room in the northwest with a few splitting darknuts and a few invulnerable Ghini 2. And so you got stuck having to kill four Ghini 2 using superbombs, the only way to hurt them. That was not how it worked if you played the quest in zelda classic v2.10.
The change is apparently so obscure nobody ever noticed it. It has to do with the splitting darknuts and the enemy flag "room has ringleader" that makes every enemy on the screen if you kill a particular one. For example, the graveyard in Zelda 1. Other people might have paired these two conditions together, but not in a way that required it to work to continue.
In v2.10, let's have a splitting darknut be the first enemy in the list for the screen, and so it is the ringleader. When you killed it causing it to split into two blue darknuts, the ringleader status transfered to one of the two blue darknuts. Once you killed that particular blue darknut, then every enemy on screen would die. That is how the room was supposed to be cleared.
Unfortunately, the change made it so that the ringleader status disappeared. It probably worked if you were able to kill the splitting darknut with enough damage to bypass the splitting. There is no weapon powerful enough to do this by default, but it might be possible with an odd aspect of the fire boomerang. Sometimes you could kill a splitting zol or vire when it got stunned and damaged at once in a particular way by a fire boomerang. it would be stuck in place, allowing you to damage it multiple times to deplete its entire health and bypass splitting. I'm not sure if it's possible with a splitting darknut.
This function should be restored in the current zelda classic v2.55 (still in beta). The developers agreed it was a good idea for the ringleader status to be inherited for a splitting enemy. Unfortunately, this quest needs to be compatible with zelda classic v2.53 (most recent final release), so I changed the ringleader status in the room.
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