The Legend of Zelda : The Nine Villages

This is a simple webpage I set up for the sole purpose of a walkthrough of the game. Any questions you have about where to go, what to do, how to get this, etc will be fully addressed here. If you have any complaints or suggestions about either the quest or the walkthrough, let me know (obake-san on's forums).

Here is a list of topics, linking to each section of the walkthrough.


Quest Readme - Some simple information, this file comes with the quest.
Quest Story - Hey look. I actually wrote a story for this one.
Changelog - A list of what was updated in 0.90-1.00. It's not just one or two things.
Download Quest - Download the latest version of the quest. (v1.00)
Artistic Map - This is the old artwork that gave me the idea for the quest. This does contain the locations of certain things. It is taken from the non-canon Zelda manga/comic.


Item Checklist - A list of every item, heart container piece, and magic container plus where each is located.
Basic Overworld Walkthrough - If you just have a quick question about where to go next.
Overworld Walkthrough - A completely thorough walkthrough including how to get every item, heart container piece, and magic container.
Dungeon Walkthrough - Here is a list of dungeons and how to get through them.
Level 9 Walkthrough (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) - Stuck on the last level or curious to see what lies ahead.
NPC Text - A semi-complete list of all the text the NPCs say.


General Overworld Map - A rough map of the entire overworld. No labels or anything like that.
Overworld Districted Map - The rough map, only divided up into the different sections of Hyrule. Should be useful if you have no idea where you are.
Map Progression - A very low resolution map that shows the intended (ideal?) progression from level to level in 25 parts.
Overworld Full Resolution Map - The standard map. No labels or identifying information whatsoever.
Overworld Dungeon Map - The standard map, but every dungeon is pinpointed, with a suggested order and locations listed for every important location. Makes it easy to find the next location.
Overworld Complete Map - The standard map, but every dungeon, minilevel, optional dungeon, item, heart container piece, magic container, shop, and fairy is pinpointed.
Lost Woods Complete Map - A full map of the Lost Woods, including all of the maze paths and the routes you should take to get from place to place.
Death Mountain Pass Map - A full map of both the overworld and cave section of the maze section of this minilevel.
Magical Shortcut HCP Map - This three screen maze is too complicated to write out.
Dungeon Maps - A link for each map from levels 1-8 and minilevels 1-8.
Optional Dungeon Maps - A link for each map from the optional and fairy dungeons.
Level 9 Maps (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) - Maps of level 9.
Wand Game Tricks - There really are some tricks to getting through this.
A note about the old Lets Plays. Playing v2.10, Level 9 did not require you use superbombs to kill the invincible Ghini 2. This explains it.

My other Zelda Classic releases:
Both of these are also ZC 2.10 quests, so they have the same item sets, the same enemy sets, and mostly the same rules. They also have a ton of music just like this quest.
Quest - Link's Decision (2007) - Two classes, 17 total dungeons, it's a much smaller quest but still much larger than Zelda 1. This is the first ZC quest ever that let you choose a character class or anything along those lines, predating those enhancements to Zelda Classic that enabled classes.
Link's Decision on PureZC
Quest - Link's Decision 2: Chronos the Tears of Fate (2010/2022) - Sequel to my first quest with four classes. It's one overworld map, but you have to explore it in three different time periods. 19 mandatory dungeons, 10 optional dungeons (and 6 more your class cannot enter), a town with a side quest, a secret ending you can only attempt to unlock after beating the game. 15+ hours. The weird title is a movie reference (from mystery science theater 3000).
Link's Decision 2 on PureZC
Music Video - They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (not Constantinople) - Link's Decision 2 (2023) - An AMV-style music video about that second zelda classic quest. The song's lyrics match the story of the town side quest. This is not a trailer (there is also one of those), and has nothing to do with the main storyline. (2m37s)

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