This is a full resolution map of the entire overworld of Hyrule. The white lines separate each district, and the numbers of the side and letters on the top can be used to reference locations. Each reference location is six screens, so it doesn't pin down a specific location. For example you start in area 4Q, in part of the Kasuto Outskirts, but the northern half of the Old Kasuto ghost town is also in area 4Q.
Everything is labeled, with the legend of symbols at the bottom. The dungeons and starting location are identified in rectangles, colored by the location type. Items, shops, and other locations are identfied in squares, same height as the dungeon rectangles. Town names are in black text.
There is a suggested order to the dungeons. You can get to the first two optional dungeons sooner than the order suggests, but it might not be easy.
There are links on the bottom that will take you to the other two versions of the overworld map. If you wish to be able to switch between them (all fullscale) there is a link for that as well.
Main Page Go back to the home page of the walkthrough.
General Overworld Map - A rough map of the entire overworld. No labels or anything like that.
Overworld Districted Map - The rough map, only divided up into the different sections of Hyrule.
Overworld Full Resolution Map - The standard map. No labels or identifying information whatsoever.
Overworld Districted Map Map with all of the different sections of the overworld labeled.
Overworld Dungeon Map - The standard map, but every dungeon is pinpointed, with a suggested order and locations listed for every important location.