Legend of Zelda: Link's Decision
Main Dungeons: Level 1 (Aqueus Palace)
Main Dungeons: Level 2 (Palace Under the Sea)
Main Dungeons: Level 3 (Silvrais Dungeon)
Main Dungeons: Level 4 (Ghoma's Palace)
Main Dungeons: Level 5 (Key Palace)
Main Dungeons: Level 6 (Desert Tower)
Main Dungeons: Level 7 (Pinchalo Dungeon)
Main Dungeons: Level 8 (Tunkrad Stronghold)
Main Dungeons: Level 9 (Ganon's Dungeon)
Side Dungeons: Optional 1 (Temple of Gledso)
Side Dungeons: Optional 2 (Jirai Palace)
Side Dungeons: Optional 3 (Iharoh Palace)
Class Dungeons: Knight 1 (Aohdas Palace)
Class Dungeons: Knight 2 (Krewaj's Stronghold)
Class Dungeons: Knight 3 (Terdoan Stronghold)
Class Dungeons: Wizard 1 (Ahoimur Palace)
Class Dungeons: Wizard 2 (Varxod Temple)
Class Dungeons: Wizard 3 (Siratena Palace)
List of Items In Every Dungeon
The triforce dungeons should be easy to find, especially since you're told where to go at the end of each one. You get similar directions for the class dungeons. You are told about optional dungeon 1, but you only hear hints of two and three. They're still easy to find.
As far as being linear, not as much as advertised. The first five dungeons can technically be completed in any order with an asterisk: an item partway through level 2 and and item partway through level 4 is needed to beat level 5. Other than that, it's any order. To get to levels 4 and 5, you need to know the lost hills (lost woods) maze solution that you're told of at the end of level 3, but you might somehow already know what it is.
Level 8 is another one. You can do this one at pretty much any time, including first. If you already know the lost hills (lost woods) maze solution, you can choose your class before going into any dungeon. Once you choose a class, you can beat level 8. So if you already know the maze solution, you can beat level 8 before stepping foot in any other dungeon. Good luck with that difficulty, but it just might be possible to make it to a game-changing item.
You need the item from level 5 to get to level 6, and the item from level 6 to get to level 7 (and the aforementioned items from levels 2 and 4 to beat level 7). You need the triforce pieces from all eight levels to get to level 9.