Class Dungeon 1-1: Monk/Knight
Location: Future 33
Floor: Brown Checkerboard
Items: Red Candle
Boss: Gleeok (1 head)

North twice to get to the first branch.
Go east once to get a key. Go north twice from there to get a second key.
Go back south twice and west, and then go west again to get the map.
Go west through the locked door, and then south to get a key.
Go west twice to get to a branch, and go south and west to get a key.
Go back east and north, and then continue north three more times.
Go east to get a key, and back west. Go north to get the compass if you want and back south.
Go west twice and south twice, and get the boss key.
The boss door is where the map was, north north west from the entrance, or it's a long walk back.
Go north through the boss door and north again to get to the boss.
Kill the boss for the piece of hear, and go north to get the red candle.

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