Class Dungeon 2-1: Monk/Knight
Location: Present 33
Floor: Light Tan Stone Block
Items: Farore's Wind
Boss: Blue Lanmola x3

Start by going east, north, east, north and you can get a key.
Go north, and now go west once to get a key, and back east.
Go east through the locked door. Go north three times, and get a key.
Go back south, and then west and north. Get the boss key.
If you want to quit and continue, follow the instructions at the bottom.
Go back south east south south west west. Go west, and then north three times to get a key.
Go north and east to get a key, go west twice and get the compass.
Go back east and then south four times. Go west to get the map.
Go west, then south twice, and get a key. Go back north twice.
The rest of the dungeon is linear. West, north north east north and west gets you to the boss.
Kill the boss and get the heart container piece. Go north and get Farore's Wind.

If you quit and continue, finish the dungeon the following way.
Go to the entrance and go west north and west to get a key.
Go north twice and east to get the map. Go east, and then north three times, and get a key.
Go north and east to get the last key. If you want, go west twice to get the compass.
Quit and continue again. Go west north west north and north.
The rest of the dungeon is linear. West, north north east north and west gets you to the boss.
Kill the boss and get the heart container piece. Go north and get Farore's Wind.

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