Class Dungeon 3-4: Monk/Wizard
Tile: Past 33
Items: Nayru's Love
Boss: Death Knight

This is a long dungeon, but there are quite a few screens we can just run through. If there's no item and no shutter in front of you, you can sneak by.
Go north and get the compass. Go west and north and west, and then bomb the west wall adn go through. Go north and get a key.
Go back the way you came to the compass, south east east south east.
Go east, north through the locked door, and east. Bomb through the south wall, and go south again to collect a key.
Go north five times. In the room with the water, bomb west. Go north and west, and get the map.
Go west, south, west, south, south, and get a key. Go back north north east north, and then west through the locked door.
Go west south south, and get a key. Go north north east, then north. Go east four times and get the boss key.
With the boss key, go south five times. Go east, and then north through the boss door.
Go north twice, kill the boss, and get the heart container piece. Go north to get Nayru's Love.

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