Level 2: Desert Fortress
Tile: 6B. Order: Past, Future, Present
Items: Amulet, Magic Sword, Magic Boomerang

Level 2-1: Past
Item: Amulet
Boss: Moldorm x5

This dungeon is pretty simple. There's just one thing you'll have to come back for.
Go east from the start. Before you get to the dead end, you should have two keys. The dead end has the map and a pushblock for a heart container piece.
Get back to the start and go north through two locked doors. Go west, then north, the bomb the west wall to get a key. That west branch only has the compass.
Back to the branch and continue going east. Exit the dungeon.
In the overworld, go west and cut the rope holding the ladder up. Then go north and back into the dungeon.
Go east. There's a chain blocking the path going north, and you'll need a stronger sword to break it. So go south.
Follow the path to the boss, kill it for the heart container piece, and then north to get the cross.

Level 2-2: Future
Item: Magic Sword
Boss: Gleeok (1 head)

Simple dungeon. You don't need to go outside at all.
You can go north to get the compass if you want. You can't go east or west through that block puzzle.
Go east, and then south and east to get a key. Go back west and south to get the map.
Return north and go north through the locked door. Go west twice, and there's a pushblock with the heart container piece.
Take the north branch, and then go north again for a key. Then go back south and east, and into a passageway.
Go east and get a key. Then go back west and through the passageway, and then west and south to the room that had the heart.
Follow the south branch through the locked door this time. Along this path there's one easily visible key in a block puzzle room.
Keep going to get to the boss, kill it for the heart container piece, and go east to get the magic sword.
You can exit the dungeon here to get to a heart piece. Kill the Aquamentus and enter the cave.

Level 2-3: Present
Item: Tear, Magic Boomerang
Boss: Manhandla

You might remember a chain that needed a stronger sword to cut. Don't go back there yet.
Enter the dungeon in the present, go north and east to get a key. Get back to entrance.
If you go east from here, you can see there's a button and a block in the way. It won't be there for long.
Exit the dungeon and now back to the dungeon in the past. Enter near the boss.
Go east and there is the chain that you couldn't cut before and you have a key for the locked door.
Go through the passageway, and then south, and it's that same room with the button except now you can step on it to lower a block.
Go back north and kill all the enemies to get a key. Then leave the dungeon and go back to the present.
Enter the dungeon in the present and go east. Since it was pressed in the past, the block now is lowered in the present, and you can continue east through the dungeon.
Kill all the enemies to get a key, then through the locked door is a block puzzle with the map, and a locked door north.
Go north, and when you get to a branch go east to get a key, and then back continuing north.
When you get to the locked door west, go through it, collect the compass, but don't leave yet.
Bomb west and you can find the magic boomerang. Now you can exit the dungeon.
In the overworld, go north and west to find the way back into the dungeon.
Go west and then south (skip the pushable block for now), and then take the south branch.
There are three rooms in a row with pushblocks. The first two have keys, and the third pushblock hides the magic container.
Go back the way you came until you get to the locked door going west. Follow that to get the boss key.
Next go north east and north to get back to the room with the pushable block we skipped. Go into the passageway.
Go west twice, and then north to the boss. Kill it for the heart container and go north for the second tear.

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