Level 3: Badlands Cavern
Tile: 71. Order: Past, Present, Future
Items: Medium Wallet, Wood Arrows, Bombs+

Level 3-1: Present
Item: Medium Wallet
Boss: Digdogger (3 Kid)

One thing to note. You should buy the wood bow before you go to Level 3. You won't need it until the third part Go north, and then east twice. Get the key there, and go back west. Go north twice, and get a second key.
Go west and south. Get the compass, and go through passageway B. Go east and go through passageway C, and get the key there.
Go back to one screen north of the start, through C then west and through B, and south.
Go west, then north twice. Go through passageway A. Go north and get the key and go back south.
If you want the map, go west and north to get it, and back south and east.
Go back through passageway A. Go east and north, and get the last key. Go south three times.
Go west twice, and get the heart container piece under a block. Go west and north and through passageway D.
Go east and through passageway E. Go east and north.
Kill the boss and collect the heart container piece. Go north and get the Medium Wallet.

Level 3-2: Past
Item: Wood Arrow
Boss: Pols Voice x3

This one's a little smaller, but no matter. You could do this before 3-1, but better to let you collect past 255 sooner.
Go north and collect the heart container piece. Go west twice, and get the compass in the block puzzle room.
Go west and into passageway A. Go east and south, then into passageway C. Get the key in this room.
Go back into passageway C, and go west and into passageway D, and then get the key.
Go south and east to get a key. Go south twice to get the final key.
Go west four times and into passagway A. Go east and through passageway B. Go east north west and into passagway E.
Go east and kill the boss. Get the heart container piece and go east and get the Wood Arrows.

Level 3-3: Future
Item: Bombs+
Boss: Blue Ghoma

This is a big one, and there are two important bombable walls, which fortunately have cracks.
Go north and west. You need both the bow and arrows to kill the Ghoma.
Go west twice. Go north twice and collect the key. Bomb the north wall and collect the key there, too.
Go back south three times, and go through passageway A. Get the key in this room.
Go south and get the map. Go east and into passageway B. Get the key, go west and south, and get another key.
Go south, east, east, east, and get the magic container. Go north twice, and bomb the north wall. Get the key.
Go back south, and go into passageway C. Go south and west to get the compass. Go north and get the Bombs+ upgrade.
Go back to one north of the start. South east north, through C, south, south, west, west, and west.
Go west, north, north, east, north, and get the boss key. Go back south, west, south, and south.
Go west twice and into passageway A. Go south, east, and north, and go through passageway D.
Go east and kill the boss. Get the heart container, and go east and get the Tear.

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