Level O2: Jack the Giant Killer
Tile: Future 27
Items: Magic Upgrade (1/2 Magic)
Boss: Digdogger (3 kid) x3

You'll need two bombs for the shortest path.
Start by going east, and collect the key.
Bomb the wall to the east, and collect a second key.
Keep going down this path to the map. North east north north north, which is also two rooms north of the block puzzle.
Go east one room to where it branches, and go north then west to get a key.
Get to the compass in the room with the locked door. East south south west south west, or go to the entrance go north two screens.
Go west, then south west and north, and get a key. Go back to the locked door south east north.
Go west, then north twice, and bomb the wall north and go through. This room is required even if you didn't bomb the wall.
Go east, through the block puzzle and east, and then north to the boss.
Kill the boss. You don't get any health for that. Go north and get the magic upgrade.

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