This walkthrough is text only, although I may put links to pictures up as well. The order set here is the recommended order you should do the dungeons in, although sometimes you can do them out of order. All of the optional dungeons are not included in this section, and will be listed even farther down. Each full level contains two items, a heart container, and a triforce fragment, while each minilevel only contains one item and a HCP. All of the dungeons and most of the minilevels start out with a guy who gives you some (often pretty useless) advice in the opening room. He also will give you a red rupee, which means that you will never hear his advice again. At the end of the levels and minilevels you will receive advice on where to go next, again you will only be able to hear this before picking up the item/triforce.


ML-1 Kasuto Mountain
LVL-1 Three Eye Rock
ML-2 Moblin Brothers
LVL-2 Serpent's Lair
LVL-3 Abandoned Mansion
ML-3 Guardian Battle
LVL-4 Maze Island
ML-4 Secret Grave
LVL-5 Lost Bastion
ML-5 Death Mountain Pass
ML-6 Tantari Cave
LVL-6 Parapa Palace
ML-7 Old King's Tomb
LVL-7 Island Palace
LVL-8 Spectacle Rock
ML-8 Midoro Palace

Main Page Go back to the main page of the walkthrough

ML-1 Kasuto Mountain:
Location: Kasuto Mountain, East Hyrule
Items: Bomb Bag, Heart Container

Kasuto Mountain Map

This cave is very simple. First head north one screen to get a key, then go east and south from the entrance. You'll see a bombable rock blocking the path, but that's to make the way back from the end easier.

After going east and south there is a fork in the path.

Go east first to get a key, and then continue south.

There is only one way to go from here, so just follow the path out of the cave.

You will end up on a cliff on Kasuto Mountain. Climb up, go west, then climb back down to enter a different section of the cave.

There's still only one path to go, so go north, west, then north.

One more screen north is the boss, an Aquamentus. It will leave behind a full heart container (the only minilevel to have one), and you will be able to continue through the cave to the town of New Kasuto, where you can buy a bomb bag (there's enough money to cover it behind a tree near the house).

Lvl-1 Three Eye Rock:
Location: Kasuto Desert, East Hyrule
Items: Blue Candle, Bomb Bag, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Three Eye Rock Map

The first dungeon isn't very hard. Every level (and optional dungeon and most minilevels) from now on start out with some advice you will only have to hear once.

In the first room west of the entrance, there is a key for killing all the enemies.

Go west some more and then around the key door going north to get a second key.

Go north through that key door you passed, then north again and east 3 times.

South of that is a room with another key, and after that go north, west, then north.

After killing all the enemies, you can push a block to get the blue candle.

Then go west to pick up another key, and back east again.

North from there is the map, and then go north again.

You can skip the room to the east by bombing the north wall to get into the 10-coins room, and then bombing the wall to the east.

Go north from there to get another key, and from there go back south one and then east one.

You can get the compass in this room before heading east then south.

Go east from there and bomb the north wall to get a new bomb bag for 75 rupees.

From there go south, west, then south, and kill all of the enemies to get a key.

West, then south, then east, and you can fight a Gleeok for the boss key.

Then go back to the boss door by going west north east north north west west west and south.

After going west through the boss door, go north two sceens and pick up the last key.

From there go south twice, and then west twice and you will end up in the boss room.

Beat the two dodongos (remember the secret of placing a bomb a half tile next to them and then swording them and you will get more bombs, or for an easy way bomb them so they eat it and place another bomb immediately after placing the first and then sword them). Get the heart container and go north to get the triforce.

ML-2 Moblin Borthers:
Location: Moblin Woods, Southeast Hyrule
Items: Wooden Arrow, HCP

Moblin Brothers Map

There are a number of bombable walls in here, so start out by going north, west, and north.

Get the compass there before bombing the north wall. Go through the bombed door and go west north north and grab the key there.

Go east from there to get another key. You can go north twice from there to get the map, or go east twice to get yet another key.

West of that key is a bombable wall north leading to the 10-rupee room.

From there, go back to the north side of that bombable door you made earlier, and go east to get another key.

Bomb the east wall, and in that room is a passageway back towards the north side of the map.

Go north twice then west twice and pick up one more key, and then go back through the passageway.

From there go south, west, south, and east through a locked door, and you can pick up the last key there.

Go west west and south through the three locked doors, and you will be able to steal the boss key from a few Moldorms.

Then go north west west west north east, and then go through the locked door east. Then it's just north east and north and you'll be in the boss room.

You will have to beat a pair of Pols Voice in order to claim the wooden arrow and their HCP.

Lvl-2 Sperpent's Lair:
Location: Serpent Rock, Southeast Hyrule
Items: Wooden Boomerang, Cross (amulet), Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Serpent's Lair Map

You should start out by going west one screen, and using the passageway there.

Go west from there, and then through another passageway.

Go north, then west and you will be able to get the cross.

Head east then south back to the room with the passageway, but before going into it go west.

In that room is a key, west of that is the map, and two screens west of that is another key.

Now go back east three screens and go back through that passageway.

Go north and you'll find a key, and go west three screens, then south to find another.

From there go north then east, and go through another passageway there.

East from there is a key, and east from that is the compass if you want it. Then go back west to the room with the passageway.

Instead of going through the passageway, go north. You can bomb the east wall to get to the 10-rupee room if you want, then go back west out of that room.

Go west and bomb the northern wall, then go west through the locked door and south to find another key.

You have to go back around east north west to get back on the other side of the one-way shutter, and then go west through the locked door.

After going north twice, go through the locked door to the west. Go north from there and get the wooden boomerang from a few annoying vire tribble.

From there go south east north, and east through one key door and north through another. A few blue goriya are guarding the boss key, but be very careful of the spikes on the floor.

Now you have to go back to the beginning of the dungeon, I recommend quiting and selecting continue. Or you can go south, west, and then just keep going south and east until you reach a room with a dead end, then use the passageway and go west.

You should go west, then north (invisible enemies if you didn't get the cross), and then west through the boss door.

A two-headed Gleeok is waiting for you there, and once you beat them you can get their heart container and go north to get the triforce.

Lvl-3 Abandoned Mansion:
Location: Kakariko Outskirts, South Hyrule
Items: Red Candle, Whistle, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Abandoned Mansion Map

Start out by going one screen north, and claiming the compass.

Go east twice then south, and you will find a passageway you should go through.

South west west north will lead you to another key.

From there go south east south west, and there is a key in that room, as well as a key south of that room.

Now get back to the room north of the entrance, either by quiting and continueing, or by following the directions backwards.

North through the locked door, you should start out by going east and getting a key.

From there, go west north north and you can get another key.

Go south then west to find a third, and north of that screen is a fourth.

You should go south east east north, and when you light the unlit candle on the table, stairs will open up leading to the red candle.

Head south west and south, and then go west through the locked door.

Go north west and west to reach the whistle, just beware of the wallmasters in this room.

Now go back to that screen north of the entrance again, and here is where the dungeon gets annoying.

East two screens, and you will find a map, then go south through the locked door and through the passageway.

South and east there is the last key of the dungeon.

Go south east and south again to get the boss key from a couple Lanmolas. Again beware the wallmasters.

You can't go back north to get to the boss door, but instead bomb the west wall to get into the 10-rupee room.

From there bomb south and go west south south east south, and you will be at that passageway to the boss door again.

Head south, then east twice, and you will be in the boss room.

Kill the blue Ghoma while avoiding the spikes, and you can get the heart container. North of that room is the triforce.

ML-3 Guardian Battle:
Location: Nabooru Outskirts, North Hyrule
Items: White Sword, HCP

This is real simple, and takes place entirely in the overworld. The white sword has been stolen from its resting place in the Lost Hills.

First, northwest of where you start out, there is a ghoma statue you can wake up with the whistle.

Then go north through the Nabooru Outskirts until you reach a dirt path.

Follow the path west and north until you come to a rock wall with an opening at the path.

There is a fiary spring on the east side of the rock wall you might want to visit before continueing north through the rocks.

You must fight the blue Ghoma there, but its made a little more difficult by eight statues shooting fire at you, spike traps in the corners, and keese flying around blocking your arrows.

When you kill it, it will drop behind the white sword. Go north and you will find the HCP, along with a cave where somebody gives you some advice.

Lvl-4 Maze Island:
Location: Maze Island, Northeast Hyrule
Items: Ladder, Power Bracelet, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Maze Island Map

First of all, go west twice then north. Go through the passageway in that room.

Head south and west, kill the enemies in that room for a key (bomb the north wall here for the 10-rupee room), and then keep going west and north, and grab the key there.

Go back the way you came through the passageway.

One room south is another passageway leading to the boss door. Bomb the east wall to get a key.

Go back to the entrance either by quitting and continueing, or by going back through the passage and to the east.

From there, there is a key in the room to the east.

North of the entrance is the compass, but after picking that up go north through the locked door, and then east.

Go through the passageway there, and then continue on east and south and then through another passageway.

Head north through the locked door and then west. Once you kill the Digdogger there, you will be able to get the power bracelet.

Either go back the way you came through both passageways and then go west one room, or quit and continue and go two screens north of the entrance.

Bomb the east wall to get a key, and then bomb the north wall so you can skip a room. Go through the passageway there.

Now go south west west north and west to get to a new passageway.

After going through that, go north east then north, where you'll be able to get the ladder.

Head back through the passageway that brought you there, and go east south east south to get a key.

West and south of that room is the map, and then you want to get back to the beginning of the level yet again (quit and continue or south south east south south).

Go west twice, then north and go through the passageway. Yes you've been here alrady.

South and west of there is where you got a key and found the entrance to the 10-rupee room, but there is also a passageway there you should go through now that you have the ladder.

Head west south south and east through the key door, and you will find another passageway, guarded by a couple of blue Lanmolas.

Through that passageway you will end up in a room with the boss key in the middle surrounded by water, but now you can cross it using the ladder.

For the last time, go back to the entrance of the dungeon (quit and continue is recommended, or go through the passageway east north north west through the passageway east north through the passageway and finally south is where you want to be, not exactly the entrance).

Starting from the entrance, go west two screens and there is the passageway you went through earlier that led to the boss door. Go east through it.

A Manhandla is the dungeon boss here, but they're easy to deal with when you use a well placed bomb(s). Get the heart container and go north to the triforce room.

ML-4 Secret Grave:
Location: Ancient Graveyard, Southwest Hyrule
Items: Magic Wand, HCP

Secret Grave Map

Well, first go north, east is a key, west is the compass. Then go back south to the entrance.

Head west twice, then south and east to pick up a key.

North west south and south will get you out of the circle of one-way shutters.

Next go west, south, east, south, west, south, south, and then east.

Go north to find a key, and then go south and east three times to get another key.

Get back to that locked door you passed up by going west four times, north twice, east then north.

Head east through the locked door and go south one screen. Bomb the east wall to get to the 10-rupee room, where you can bomb the south and east walls.

You can skip three rooms by going east out of the 10-rupee room, and then north.

It's a straight shot from there, just go east south east south south west and north. Kill the Digdoggers to get the boss key.

Go back to the entrance of the dungeon, and go east through the boss door.

East is a one-way shutter, so you'll have to go south, east and north to get to the key on the other side.

From there you can go south three times, and then go east and you will be at the dungeon boss.

Kill the three splitting Darknuts to get the HCP, then go north to get the magic wand.

Lvl-5 Lost Bastion:
Location: Lost Woods, Southwest Hyrule
Items: Hookshot, Magic Book, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Lost Bastion Map

Start out by going north west west north, and grab the compass there.

Go south twice and through the passageway. There is a kay waiting for you on the other side.

You'll find a key by going east three times.

West north west north west north north, and the magic book is hidden under a block.

Head south south east north and north to get another key.

From here go south then east, and bomb the north wall (and the south wall too, if you want to find the 10-rupee room), go through and go north again then west for the last key in this section.

Go back to one screen north of the entrance (if you don't want to quit and continue, go east south south south to the 10-rupee room, then west south south west and through the passageway, then north east and east).

Now go north through the locked door and follow the path west north north west. There's a key in that room.

Head north from there and go through the passageway, then south east north and north.

You'll have to best a Manhandla in order to get the boss key here, but that should be easy enough even with the statues shooting fire.

Once again, go to one screen north of the entrance.

This time head east and grab the key there.

Head north three times and get a key, then south for the map.

East north north west north (through a locked door) north and east to get the last key of the dungeon.

Next go west south west north and west in order to pick up the hookshot.

Finally it's time to fight the boss. Go east south east south east east north and east.

There are three bat wizzrobes guarding the triforce, with some water in the room to make your life a little more miserable. Just remember to try and ignore the bats and go after them when you get the opportunity, and go north to get the triforce.

ML-5 Death Mountain Pass:
Location: Foot of Death Mountain, Southwest Hyrule
Items: Bomb Bag, HCP

Death Mountain Pass Map

First of all, you need the hookshot, magic wand, and magic book. Going through this cave missing any of those items will be a waste of time.

Secondly, this is a big mess of caves and stuff. It's very much like a maze, but once you get through the initial section and into the overworld portion, take a look at the overworld map from Zelda 2, the cave system matches pretty exactly (or for even more help, I made a complete map of the whole thing). And try not to forget the extra HCP in the southwest corner of the overworld.

First of all, start off by going north east south and east four times. Go north again and you're in the main section of the cave system. Go east two more times to get to the overworld.

Your only choice is to go west and into another cave. Go south and you will hit your first fork in the path.

Go west, since east is blocked until you get the hammer (and even then there is a better way to go than through there).

Keep heading west and take the stairs you come to into the overworld (farther west is a dead end).

Once again you have only once choice, so go east and then back down into the caves.

From here, there is a single path with no forks or anything, just take it until you reach some stairs and up you go.

Go north once and into the cave there.

Follow the path around, and take the first stairs you come across (if you continue down the path it's another dead end).

North once again will lead you to another cave you should enter.

Again, there's only one way to go, so make your way to the stairs and go up.

You will end up in a piece of the overworld with some grass and two choices as to where to go. Go down the cave to the north.

This one is a little more complicated, follow the path until one room has four ways to go, including the one you entered from. Head west through the southern half.

Continue along the path and you will reach a fork, you should turn south here. Another fork immediately follows, and you should head west.

From here it's pretty much a straight shot until you see the stairs (you'll see another path going south in that room but it's a dead end), so take the stairs up.

Now, the overworld section will have four caves with a solid block in the center. You want to take the cave leading to the south in the southwest corner.

It's very simple from here, just follow the path and you will make it to the southwest section of the overworld, where the extra HCP is waiting for you.

Go back the way you came until you get to the overworld section with the four caves again, and this time take the cave that leads west in the northwest corner.

This cave path isn't very long, and when you get to the fork, turn west (south is a dead end) and up the stairs.

There's only one way to go in this overworld section, so take the cave to the north back down.

Go east and you will come across the stairs you should take almost immediately (the other forks are dead ends).

You'll be in a section of overworld with three cave, and the section directly north has a small pond. Take the cave in the north.

Again a straightforward path, just take the first stairs you see (continueing is a dead end).

Head down the cave to the north and you'll be on your way to the last overworld section.

There are no forks or anything, just go down the path and up the stairs at the other end.

Now you'll finally be at the overworld section with the small pond, with three caves. Take the north one.

Go down the path to the west, and you will get to a room with a skelaton blocking your path. Use the wand (with the book) to burn a white bush and you'll be able to pass.

Head north twice and you'll be at the boss. It's just a four-headed Gleeok, so it should be no problem to steal it's HCP.

Then you can head west twice and the guy there will sell you a bomb bag for 100 rupies. The exit of the whole thing is between the bomb bag room and the boss room.

ML-6 Tantari Cave:
Location: Tantari Desert, Northwest Hyrule
Items: Hammer, HCP

Tantari Cave Map

Start out by going north twice then west and south. The map is in that room.

Go north twice, and you can bomb the west wall to get to the 10-rupee room.

From there go east back out of the room, and then north four more times to get a key.

Get back to two screens north of the entrance by either quitting and continueing or going south five times then east.

This time go east and south to find the compass.

Head north three rooms then east, and you will find a key.

Three more rooms north, there is the final key (anything will seem short compared to the last level).

Now go back to two screens north of the entrance by either quitting and continueing or going south three times then west then south twice then west.

Go north three times and west twice (there is a one-way door so you won't be able to go back that way).

From there go north twice and take the boss key from a Gleeok.

Next head back to two screens above the entrance, south south south east south south east or by quitting and continueing.

Head north three times then east then north one final time and you will be in the boss room.

If you can kill a Manhandla 2, you can claim the HCP. Superbombs work really well here, but regular bombs should be sufficient. Then go north to get the hammer.

Lvl-6 Parapa Palace:
Location: Parapa Desert, North Hyrule
Items: Lens of Truth, Power Glove, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Parapa Palace Map

You should start out by going north east and then north through a walkthrough wall (this dungeon has more than a few of them). Go east to get a key, and then west south and south to get another.

From there go north west north and west, and you will find another key in that room.

Continue on the path by going west then north twice, and then west at the fork to grab yet another key.

Head east three times, and then north to get one more key. You can bomb the north wall to get into the 10-rupee room if you would like.

From the room with the key, go south twice. Pick up the compass there, and then go down the stairs to the basement.

Go north twice to pick up another key, and then south east and south. There you will find the lens of truth, which would help you immensely in this level had you not been following this walkthrough.

Next go north, and north through a wall, and then east to pick up a key.

Now head west, north and then west through a wall. Go west again and through the north wall to get another key. Go back theough the wall to the south, and through the southern wall there are some rupees to get before going north back to the room with the spikes.

Head east through the shutters, and east through the wall, and east through the locked door, and finally east through another set of shutters. Go south and south again through the wall and you will find some stairs leading up to the first floor.

Go south once and you can collect a key before going back north and down to the basement.

Head north twice, then west then north again through a wall, and you will find the map of the dungeon.

From there go east and north, and go up the set of stairs back to the first floor.

Now head west and south twice, and you will see the boss door. Walk through the west wall, and go south twice. Here you can pick up the power glove.

Go west and south and down some stairs to wind up in same screen as when you first got to the basement.

Next go north twice, and this time walk through the west wall. Go west again, and bomb the south wall to find another key.

Two screens north there is another key, and two more north there are stairs leading up to the first floor.

Go east and south, and after defeating the fire wizrobes, go south again. Now you can use the power glove to get the boss key.

Head back the way you came, north twice and west and down the stairs. From there go south three times and east twice.

Then go south east and north twice. Go east north east north, and you can go up the stairs in the northeast corner of the map.

Next go west and south twice, and you will end up back at the boss door, but this time with the key.

Go south then east, where you will have to face a patra in order to get the heart container and the triforce piece to the east.

ML-7 Old King's Tomb:
Location: Old Cemetary, Central Hyrule
Items: Silver Arrow, HCP

Old King's Tomb Map

You enter by dropping down a hole, so you won't be able to exit the same way. The exit is farther west than the entrance, and leads to the Old King's Tomb on the overworld.

You start out by collecting the compass in the room you start out in.

Go south and drop down a second hole, leading you to the bottom floor.

South then west will being you to the room with the map.

Continue west and go south again to pick up a key.

You'll find the exit by going north from here, but that doesn't really help you right now.

Head north, then east twice and then once more through a locked door.

Go south and bomb the east wall to get into the 10-rupee room.

Bomb the east wall in there, and you will end up in a room with a key.

Go west twice to get back to the other side of the 10-rupee room, and go west one more time to get another key.

From there you should go east south east south and south to pick up a key.

Then go north and through the locked door to the east, and north again where you will find a set of stairs leading up.

Head west then south twice. Push a block in that room to go west again and find a key.

From there go east and north four times then west, and you will fight a bunch of stalfos3 for the boss key.

Go east south south east to get back to the room with the stairs, and head north and east from there to get to the boss.

There is a Fire Gleeok with one head waiting for you, but it shouldn't be too hard to just power your way through the boss.

Collect the HCP, and keep going south to find the silver arrows and the second exit leading to Central Island.

Lvl-7 Island Palace:
Location: Central Island, Central Hyrule
Items: Raft, Mirror Shield, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Island Palace Map

North one room is a key, which you can use if you go east twice then south.

Go west to get another key, and go east twice and north to wind up in a room with stairs leading down to the basement.

Head west north and west, and you will be able to pick up the map.

There's a key north of that room, and another one west and south of that.

From there, go north east south east south and south, and you will be able to go down some stairs to the second basement.

Start be going north and west, where you will find a key.

West twice and south, there is another key, and you'll notice some stairs going up that you can't get to yet.

Get back to the room you entered this floor on by going north, east three times, then south.

Head east south and east to get the compass, and then you'll find another key two rooms north of that.

Go south twice and west, then go south through two locked doors.

Next go west three times, south, and east and you'll get a key.

To get to the next key, go west north west west north and north.

From there you should go west then south to get a key, and then north twice where you will battle a fire wizzrobe for the mirror shield.

Now go south and east twice to get to some stairs and take them to the first basement.

Bomb the southern wall to get into the 10-rupee room, and from there go north three times to get a key.

Head south and west to get to another set of stairs you should take, that will bring you back up to the first floor.

There is a key in the room you end up in.

Then go south east and north, and you will face a Patra2 to try and get the raft.

Now make your way back to the lowest floor, south west north, down the stairs, east south, and down the stairs.

Get near the southeast corner of this floor by going west then south three times then east four times.

Go north through the locked door, and after getting a key in that room take the stairs up.

Head west south and west and you will go up against a few mirror wizzrobes guarding the boss key.

Next get to the southwest corner of the bottom floor by going east north east, down the stairs, south and west four times.

If you go north one room, you'll come across the last locked door. Go east through it and then up the stairs.

Go east north and east, and you will be directly over the boss room. Bomb the cracked tile to find your way down.

A three-headed Fire Gleeok will try and stop you, but after collecting the heart container from him, go west to claim the triforce.

Lvl-8 Spectacle Rock:
Location: Death Mountain, West Hyrule
Items: Boots, Gold Arrow, Heart Container, Triforce Fragment

Spectacle Rock Map

Start out by going north west and south to get the first key.

Three rooms north, you'll find the compass.

North is another key, and then go north east north to get another.

Go back one screen north of the entrance by going south west south four more times, and east.

Head north three times and you will come across some stairs going down.

You'll find the map in this room in the basement, and then go south and west to get the next key.

Go east north and west, and you should go down the stairs again to the bottom floor.

From there, go south one screen, then east. There's a key in that room.

Continue east, there is a key in the next room, and one in the room after that.

Head west four times, then north, then west twice more.

Avoid the bubbles and go south, then east. There you will fight a bunch of Gleeoks for the boots.

Go back west north east east south east east.

This time go north one screen and then go east. You will find a key there.

Another key is in the room east of that, and a third if you go east again and then south.

Head back where you came from by going north and west three times, and from there go north.

If you go west, you can bomb the west wall to get into the 10-rupee room, then go back east twice.

Go north and west, and then you can bomb the south wall to get another key.

Next head north twice and then east through the locked door, and you can go up the stairs.

Now go west once, and get the key in that room.

Head west south west south west, and there's another key you can get.

You must travel clockwise around this circle now as far as you can go, east north east north east east (this is the room with the stairs going down), east south east south east south (this room has stairs going up but you'll come back to them) south south west south west.

Get the key in this room before going east north east north north and going up those stairs you passed.

Now that you're back on the first floor, go east twice then north twice to get a key.

Then go south and east, where you'll have to face some bat wizzrobes to get the boss key.

Now get back to the center of the bottom floor by going west south and west, down the stairs, then go west and down those stairs.

Go south and east from that room in the center with the stairs leading up to the first basement.

Head through the locked door going south, and then south west and north and grab a key.

From there go south east south and west, and go up the stairs in that room.

Two screens east is another key.

Now go west three times north and west again, and you'll find another key in that room.

North west and north from there is another key, and after getting that go north and up the stairs in that room.

Go east north and bomb the east wall to get another key.

Then go west south east and north twice, and you will find the gold arrow.

Head south twice, then east. Go north three times and you'll be at the boss.

You'll have to kill a death knight, and then you can pick up the heart container and go east to get the triforce.

ML-8 Midoro Palace:
Location: Midoro Swamp, Northwest Hyrule
Items: Flippers, HCP

Midoro Palace Map

First of all, this dungeon is more of a group of puzzles than the previous ones. There are a bunch of dead ends and strange rooms.

West of the entrance is the compass.

Next go north west north and west.

You can go north twice to get the map, and then back south twice, but you don't have to.

South and west of there, you can bomb the south wall to find the 10-rupee room, and go back north out of the 10-rupee room.

Go west from there, and get the key from that room.

Now go back to one screen west and north from the entrance.

Head north through the locked door, east then north again.

You have no choice but to go north through this room, but in the next you should go east (there's one block missing compared to the previous room).

South east and north from there, you will find another key.

Then go south west north and west back into that room missing a block and grab the key on the west side of it before going north.

Head west twice before going south.

Go east through the locked door, then east again and that room will have a key.

Now go north twice and then east to fight a Fire Gleeok that has the boss key.

Next go back the way you came, west south south east east and north.

Head north twice and get the key in that room.

Two rooms to the east is the boss, a Ghoma3. Kill it and one more screen east are the flippers.

Lvl-9 North Castle may contain spoilers

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